E' ufficiale! Ieri mio padre si è recato sul posto di lavoro per l'ultimo giorno.
Ora dovrà prendere nuove e difficili decisioni.....
Vacanze al mare o in montagna????
Per l'occasione ha voluto salutare i suoi colleghi lasciando loro un pensiero speciale, in segno della stima e dell'amicizia che li ha legati per tanti anni.
Così ho creato per loro questi portoncini:
Is official! Yesterday my father went in the workplace for the last day.Now new and difficult decisions will have to take .....
Holidays by the sea or mountains??
For the occasion he wanted to greet his colleagues, leaving them with a special thought, in a sign of respect and friendship that has bound them for so many years.
So I created these doors for them:
Holidays by the sea or mountains??
For the occasion he wanted to greet his colleagues, leaving them with a special thought, in a sign of respect and friendship that has bound them for so many years.
So I created these doors for them:
Essendo mio padre un Ufficiale della Marina Militare le ho personalizzate così:
Since my father was a Naval officer I have customized this way:

Belle vero?
Fine right?